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4 Sundays, 4 organizations, 400 community catsand countless unplanned litters prevented 

Street Cat Sundays will be held on select dates in 2021. This is a continued collaborative effort with Carol House Quick Fix Pet Clinic, APA Adoption Center, Gateway Pet Guardians, and Belleville Area Humane Society.    

Community cats, also known as feral cats, live outdoors and are not socialized to people. Spaying and neutering community cats is a program called Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), which stops the breeding cycleOne unspayed female can reproduce rapidly, resulting in over 10,000 cats in 5 years. TNR reduces pet overpopulation, makes cats healthier, and stops behaviors due to mating, like yowling and roaming.  

The participating organizations will work in their targeted areas to humanely trap and transport cats to be spayed or neutered and vaccinated by the veterinary team at Carol House Quick Fix Clinic. While under anesthesia the cats will also be ear tipped- a painless procedure in which the tip of the left ear is removed– which identifies them as being part of a TNR program. After recovering from surgery, they will be returned to their outdoor homes and the caregivers who feed and care for them.  

About the Organizations 

The Animal Protective Association Adoption Center (APA) is a nonprofit organization in St. Louis, Missouri, dedicated to bringing people and pets together, advancing humane education and creating programs beneficial to the human/animal bond. In 2020, the APA found homes for 3,519 pets that were brought to the Adoption Center. To learn more, please visit  

The Belleville Area Humane Society is a nonprofit organization located in Belleville, Illinois that strives to improve the lives of homeless pets in our community through adoption, humane education, and community outreach. To learn more, please visit 

Carol House Quick Fix Pet Clinic is a nonprofit organization in St. Louis, Missouri that focuses on decreasing the number of unwanted dogs and cats in St. Louis through effective, low-cost spay and neuter efforts. In 2020, they performed 9,955 low-cost or free spays/neuters to pets that may have gone on to produce thousands of unwanted litters without these services. To learn more, please visit 

Gateway Pet Guardians is a nonprofit organization serving the Metro East portion of the St. Louis region, including East St. Louis, Cahokia, Washington Park, Alorton, Centreville, and Fairmont City with a mission to champion a thriving pet welfare community. To learn more, please visit 

Past Street Cat Sundays

Help Us Reach Our Goal
to Spay/Neuter over 400 community cats

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